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Improvisation method in Russia and abroad: the difference in approach in music schools

Altman Galina Sergeevna  (postgraduate student, Moscow City Pedagogical University)

The article describes the issue of improvisation (known as musical extremization) as a creative performance of a musical composition that combines performance with communication of emotions and instrumental techniques. And also improvisation is considered as an original creative response to other musicians performing the same work. It is proved that musical ideas in improvisation are mostly spontaneous, but can be based on changes in chords in classical music and many other genres of music.

Keywords:improvisation method, music, composer, Russia, Europe, music school, performance, traditions, innovations


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Citation link:
Altman G. S. Improvisation method in Russia and abroad: the difference in approach in music schools // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№01. -С. 4-7
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