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Features of social perceptions of a doctor and a patient about each other as a factor of tension in their relationship system

Glavatskikh M. M.  (candidate of psychological Sciences, associate Professor, Izhevsk state medical Academy health Ministry of the Russian Federation)

Pomytkina T. Yu.  (candidate of psychological Sciences, Izhevsk state medical Academy health Ministry of the Russian Federation)

in this study, it was found that the doctors' ideas about a real and ideal patient are contradictory. Opposite characteristics are present in them: “responsible - irresponsible”, “restless - calm”, “patient recovering”, “obedient - demanding”, which may interfere with the constructive interaction of the doctor with the patient. The presence of negative perception of the patient by the doctor is the basis for non-constructive interaction, a kind of setting on the negative image of the patient, waiting from the patient for negative emotions, which can predeterminate the whole process of communication. In patients "perceptions of the doctor there are opposite characteristics of" evil - good. " The perception of patients that the doctor is angry, irritable and aggressive diverge from their ideal way of doctor "kind" and "attentive," and this prevents the patient from constructive interaction with the doctor. The doctor and patient 's submissions revealed differences in the qualities of "responsibility and" performance, "which also creates a contradiction in the conflict of expectations. The doctor shares responsibility with the patient, but the patient is ready to be only a performer in the system of relations with the doctor. The prevalence of professional qualities in doctors "perceptions of" Ideal Doctor "has been revealed, while a group of patients in" Ideal Doctor "perceptions highlight communicative qualities.

Keywords:conflict, social representations, image of a doctor, image of a patient, tension factors, system of relations “doctor-patient”


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Citation link:
Glavatskikh M. M., Pomytkina T. Y. Features of social perceptions of a doctor and a patient about each other as a factor of tension in their relationship system // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№12. -С. 46-51
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