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The main approaches to the study of the problem of children’s perception of interpersonal relations between adults and its assessment in modern socio-psychological science

Nusinova Lesya S.  (Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Department Psychological and diagnostic laboratory, City Psychiatric Hospital, Sevastopol)

The article discusses the essence of the concept of social perceptions and its main structural components. At the same time, the main emphasis of the author is on the process of interpersonal perception. Scientific directions studying the peculiarities of socio-perceptual processes in Russian and foreign science were identified and considered. The author clarifies the content of the socio-psychological phenomenon of interpersonal perception and its multifaceted nature, due to correlations with various parameters that are interpreted in the work in relation to the sphere of the child's perception of interpersonal relations between adults in the family. It was concluded that the identification and study of interpersonal relationships, as well as processes of socio-psychological perception, is associated with significant methodological difficulties, since attitudes, perceptions are quite complex, and in addition, long processes, taking into account their unfolding from childhood, having their own dynamics. Methods prevailing in socio-psychological science are analyzed, which allow to identify peculiarities of interpersonal perceptions by children of relations between adults, within the framework of which objective and subjective instrumentation is differentiated and considered from the point of view of effectiveness. Based on the analysis, taking into account the justified content, as well as the complexity of the processes of interpersonal attitude, social perceptions, their dynamics and genesis, the author argues the need to proceed from a comprehensive approach, using in practice diagnostic tools of various categories - both subjective and objective - for the examination of children to obtain a more complete picture.

Keywords:perception of the person, perception, social perception, interpersonal perception, interpersonal relations between adults, perception by children of the relations between adults, social psychology


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Citation link:
Nusinova L. S. The main approaches to the study of the problem of children’s perception of interpersonal relations between adults and its assessment in modern socio-psychological science // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2021. -№05. -С. 96-100 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2021.05.22
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