Журнал «Современная Наука»

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Excessive insolation as a factor of development of skin cancer in humans

Purtskhvanidze Violeta Alexandrovna  (PhD, Medical Сenter of Нigh Тechnologies "LaserVita", Moscow)

Simakov Yuriy Georgievich  (doctor of biology, professor, Moscow state University of technologies and management. K. G. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow)

Batkaeva Nadezhda Vladimirovna  (PhD, associate professor, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow)

the Sun is the source of most energy processes on Earth, a life without him in the form in which it is present now, would be impossible. Sunlight is an important environmental factor, has both favourable and negative impact on living organisms. The entire spectrum of solar radiation (ultraviolet, visible spectrum and infrared rays) affects human health. The largest exposures are the skin and the retina of the human eye. In factorial ecology of greatest interest is the influence on human UV rays, as it is this spectrum of solar radiation and excessive exposure foresaw the development of skin cancer. Skin cancer takes a leading place in structure of oncological diseases. In 85% of cases it is localized in the open, unprotected from the sun parts of the body. In the fight against this dangerous disease, more attention should be paid to prevention and preventive therapies.

Keywords:sunlight, ultraviolet radiation, fotoecology, skin cancer, sunscreen.


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Citation link:
Purtskhvanidze V. A., Simakov Y. G., Batkaeva N. V. Excessive insolation as a factor of development of skin cancer in humans // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2017. -№09. -С. 72-78
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