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Macroeconomic trends and features of the development of the regional economy in the 21st century

Zinchenko Lyudmila Aleksandrovna  (art. prep., Don State Technical University)

Borisova Anna Anatolievna  (Candidate of Sciences (PhD), associate professor of the Polytechnic Institute (branch) of the Don State Technical University in Taganrog)

Novikov Vladimir Sergeevich  (Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Kuban State Technological University, Krasnoda)

The world economic approach is based on the fact that a certain system of countries is being formed in the course of historical development in the world, thanks to its economic strength, cultural potential, progress in scientific and technological progress, a common understanding of international politics, pri-marily international human rights obligations and the functioning of democratic power structures, has an impact on events throughout the world. So, by the end of XX century. in the world a special region has formed, including Great Britain, Italy, Russia, the USA, Germany, France, and Japan. Joint actions of these coun-tries allow performing three functions: first, to promote their own development through active integration; secondly, to actively support the relations of good-neighborliness and peace; thirdly, to render material, financial and military assis-tance in various forms to countries that need it. The geopolitical approach is typical for some territorial unity of the neighboring countries. In Europe, Asia, Latin America formed alliances of countries that created a common market. There was a new economic integration of the European countries with preser-vation only symbolical borders of the countries entering into the union. A single economic field was created with a common market, currency, management rules.

Keywords:macroeconomics, region, regional economy, development, regions of the global world


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Citation link:
Zinchenko L. A., Borisova A. A., Novikov V. S. Macroeconomic trends and features of the development of the regional economy in the 21st century // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2018. -№03. -С. 27-32
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