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The problem of defining the concept of "subjective reality" in the modern context: the dialectic of human reality, randomness and necessity

Safronov Alexey Vladimirovich  (PHd in Technical Sciences, MSU named after M.V.Lomonosov)

The article discusses the term "subjective reality", introduced into the philosophical language by D.I. Dubrovsky and used today by a number of researchers. The reasons for the origin of the term, its historical analogues, relevance and modern context are considered. On the basis of Dubrovsky's scientific discussions with his opponents of different years (Ilenkov and Chalmers), a conclusion is drawn that the term includes contradictories. The fact is that the term "subjective reality" cannot be considered as the synonymous with the concept of "consciousness", as it is commonly used, since “consciousness” includes features of objective reality. A number of arguments are presented in favor of the development of an independent ontology of the random as additional to the ontology of the necessary. In the course of dialectics, the task of finding a synthesizing concept that removes the contradiction that takes place between the concepts of "subjective reality" and "objective reality" is being solved. The notion of "human reality" is proposed, which makes it possible to evaluate the degrees of subjective (accidental) and objective (necessary) in consciousness.

Keywords:subjective reality, dialectical contradiction, human reality, laws of nature, randomness.


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Citation link:
Safronov A. V. The problem of defining the concept of "subjective reality" in the modern context: the dialectic of human reality, randomness and necessity // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2017. -№05-06. -С. 83-89
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