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Strokes to human typology

Chesnokov Aleksandr Semenovich  (Ph.D. of Physics and Mathematics Science)

The typology is based on the person in different ways, starting as from the different properties of consciousness and the origin of its structures. Chance and a phenomenal approach to which, for example, can be attributed to human attempts to understand the point of view of the excessive predominance of individual qualities, that is, non-equilibrium effects. But in any case, the discovery of a new obligation, above all, set it neproizvodny character from the already known.

Keywords:people, types, properties, consciousness, the structure of a phenomenon.


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Citation link:
Chesnokov A. S. Strokes to human typology // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№02. -С. 85-93
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