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Identification of model performance and technology training of the future teacher to communicate with hearing-impaired fasilitirujushchemu younger students

Butko Svetlana Sergeevna  (Senior Lecturer, Moscow, Moscow City Pedagogical University)

This paper presents the results of the review and study of the requirements for the modern teacher training, allowed to develop a model for training teachers to communicate with fasilitirujushchemu slaboslyshaschimimladshimi pupils by foreign language and technology of its implementation, which includes components such as the subjects of teaching function, purpose, objectives , principles, content, technology, and the result. A comprehensive analysis methods, forms, content, and new trends of the communicative development of students allowed to identify the communi-cative language training and "active learning methods" (games, training, com-munication exercises, etc.) as the lead in a meaningful process of preparation of the future teacher to fasilitirujushchemu communicate with hearing-impaired students and junior development of communicative competence. The result of implementation of the model is to confirm the quality of the data on the results of the formative experiment shown significant statistical dif-ferences in the distribution of the values of the parameters studied. Comparative analysis of the data obtained using the methods of mathe-matical statistics suggests that the subjects in the experimental groups revealed significant and meaningful differences in the indicators of development and formation of the main components of communicative competence in compari-son with a control group. This results in significant differences between the dis-tributions of the control and experimental samples, the prevalence of high lev-els of the main indicators of communicative competence in the experimental groups, as well as a slight difference between the performance of the experi-mental group on the basic criteria of the study.

Keywords:hearing impaired younger students, facilitative communication training of fu-ture teachers of English competence approach, model and technology training for teachers


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Citation link:
Butko S. S. Identification of model performance and technology training of the future teacher to communicate with hearing-impaired fasilitirujushchemu younger students // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2018. -№04. -С. 50-54
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