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Characteristic of the verb hun ‘happen’, ‘arise’, ‘become’ in Lak language

Kakvaeva S. B.  (Assistant, FSBEI of HE "Dagestan State Medical University »Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation)

The article provides a generalized characteristic of the semantic-syntactic structure of verbs with the meaning of hun 'happen', 'arise', 'become' in the Lak language, the system of meanings and their role in verbal form formation and word formation, in the formation of complex and compound verbs, which is close to the role derivative morphemes in their regularity and derivational meaning.

Keywords:Lak language; syntactic semantics; states, processes and actions; case frame; ergonomic design.


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Citation link:
Kakvaeva S. B. Characteristic of the verb hun ‘happen’, ‘arise’, ‘become’ in Lak language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2020. -№09. -С. 159-161 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2020.09.15
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