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The use of motor and emotional games in the process of subject-practical activities of preschool children with TMNR

Shokhova Olga Valentinovna  (candidate of pedagogics, associate Professor, Public educational institution Higher education in the Moscow region "Moscow state regional University» Moscow)

the article presents the experience of organizing psychological and pedagogical work in combined preschool departments of GBOU schools, for preschool children with severe multiple developmental disorders, and the implementation of pedagogical technology for the formation of emotional response in the work based on the activation of the motor sphere. The problem is formulated: the need to find and develop methods of psychological and pedagogical assistance to preschoolers with TMNR, which use motor tasks that "work" to identify and overcome difficulties in the development of communication, arbitrariness, emotional sphere, etc. The article presents the results and analysis study the state of emotional response in children, study categories at the level of motor development, this description of the quality of their emotional reactions in a static position and when changing postures in the process of mobilization, the educational methodology on the development of motor component of emotional response. These correctional and developmental classes can be organized in a special and inclusive educational environment. The results showed the effectiveness of these techniques in the development and correction of children with MSDD emotional-personal sphere and behavior, but these studies do not cover the entire range of psycho-pedagogical problems encountered in preschool children with Sens and this article allows to outline the range of problems for future research

Keywords:emotional-volitional sphere, emotional response, preschoolers with severe multiple developmental disorders, complex multiple developmental disorders, motor sphere, static poses, changing body posture in a mobile state, emotional-motor games, expressive movements.


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Citation link:
Shokhova O. V. The use of motor and emotional games in the process of subject-practical activities of preschool children with TMNR // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2021. -№04. -С. 93-98 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2021.04.37
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